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The Two-Hundred-Twenty-Ninth (Galatians Part 2)

Writer's picture: RobRob

We’re continuing our study of Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia this week.  I hope the not-so-deep dive into the Greek word aion from last week was helpful for you!  The more we study, the more we find that everything in scripture seems to be connected to each other.  We’ll find some more connections this week, so let’s get into it.

We left off last week in verse four of chapter one where Paul talks about being rescued from his present evil age by Yeshua’s sacrifice.  Paul then proceeds to call out the Galatians for turning to a different message than the one of Yeshua (Galatians 1:6-9).  We recognized last week that Paul starts this letter by going out of his way to talk about who he is an apostle to.  It’s not some religious man, or some other apostle, but it’s Yeshua and YHWH.  They were the ones who sent him, and he pointed this out to show that whatever message he gives is from a higher authority than man.

The reason this is important is because the Galatians had started listening and following a message from Christians that were religious leaders in the former, sacrificial system.  We’ll find out in the next chapter who these people were, but for now just understand that they were trying to impose requirements from the age of sacrifice onto the Christians in Galatia.  Being new to the faith, and given the human nature to feel like we have to be doing something in order for us to receive something, the believers in the churches of Galatia started to believe these former religious leaders and incorporate their teachings into their walk with Yeshua.

Before we move on to the next part of Paul’s call out, there are a couple of things to realize.  First, what Paul calls the “gospel of Christ” is the good news that Yeshua’s sacrifice has given us the ability to receive grace from YHWH for our sins.  We are no longer condemned to die for transgressing YHWH if we have faith in Yeshua and what He did for us.  

The second thing to realize is what Paul’s doing here and what that means we must do.  Too often today, Christians sit in their pews or go about their lives letting other Christians, even Christian leaders, say and do things that are contrary to scripture.  I admit that I was also one of those Christians.

The real reason I didn’t say anything?  The real reason I was quiet?  It wasn’t because I lacked conviction.  I was certainly convicted that abortion is wrong and that homosexuality is wrong and that fornication is wrong (although for this one there were some other evil influences that led me to justify the desires of my own flesh).  I lacked the confidence in my conviction and the courage to speak against all these things.  From previous weeks, you likely can tell that I no longer lack these things, but I didn’t get here on my own and I also didn’t get here without my own work.      

The Holy Spirit led me to truth, led me through my studies of scripture, and I spent the time and put in the effort to regularly study.  Honestly, when I look back on it, it wasn’t that difficult and I’m confident that if you aren’t regularly studying right now or if you lack conviction and courage to speak what scripture says, you can get there with the help of the Holy Spirit.  The key is to trust what He is telling you and where He is leading you, despite what one theologian or another religious leader says (if they’re contradicting what you’re being shown by the Holy Spirit).  YHWH will lead you using the Holy Spirit, just ask Him.

Back in Paul’s letter, the next part of his call out is what most translations call a curse.  The Greek word is anathema, and I’m sure you’ve heard it before somewhere.  If you haven’t, Paul also used this word, along with maranatha, which means “Lord come,” in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 16:22).  Curse is not really the best way to translate the idea that anathema presents though, and Paul using maranatha with it sort of hints at that fact.

This word is derived from the verb anatithemi, and it’s interesting because the second part of this word is actually a connection that was shown to me earlier this week when I was continuing to study the word aion.  The Greek word tithemi means “to place” or “to set,” but the idea behind it is placing or setting something or someone for a purpose.  This is why the word is sometimes translated as “appoint” or “assign” (Matthew 24:51, Luke 12:46).

The reason I found its connection with aion is because this word is used by Paul when he talked about the purpose of the ages (Ephesians 3:11).  For the word “purpose,” Paul used another compound Greek word that included tithemi: prothesis.  This, literally translated, means “before set forth.”  In other words, set for a purpose beforehand.  The really interesting part?  This is the exact word used when talking about the showbread in the tabernacle and temple, directed by YHWH to be set in front of the Most Holy Place.  That was the part of the tabernacle/temple YHWH directly interacted with man for offerings and sacrifices prior to Yeshua’s sacrifice (Hebrews 9:2).

To go even further with this, and make another connection, this bread was directed by YHWH in order to be a representation, a shadow or mirror, of His Son, Yeshua.  Yeshua called Himself the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35, 48, 51) and at the Last Passover, He stated that the bread represents His body, broken for man (Luke 22:19).  In fact, the Greek word used for remembrance in that Last Passover verse is also used for the same tabernacle/temple showbread mentioned earlier (Leviticus 24:7)!  To complete the circle and put it all together, in Ephesians, Paul was saying that the purpose for all the ages starting from the first sin in the garden and ending with the one Paul was in, which was also the one Yeshua died in, was for Yeshua to be sacrificed for the sins of all mankind and provide the ability for man to receive grace from YHWH for his or her sin!  The connections are amazing and can only be explained by a living Creator with authority over all things!

Going back to the word anathema, where prothesis was a combination of “before” and “to set,” this word is a combination of “up” and “to set.”  In Greek culture, ana was used to convey spatial and metaphorical relationships, and in this case a spiritual relationship.  What Paul is saying when using this word is that whoever is preaching a gospel contrary to the grace of Christ is appointed to YHWH.  When you look at the Greek translation of the Old Testament, anathema is connected with a Hebrew word that refers to things devoted to YHWH for destruction, such as in warfare or judgment.  So, while “curse” or “accursed” may seem like a good enough translation, really the idea is that whoever preaches a contrary message is given over to YHWH for whatever purpose He deems necessary.  Perhaps it is destruction, or perhaps it is to be given such consequences for their message that they repent and turn back to Him.  

Again, this statement shows extreme conviction and confidence by Paul, because he is saying that what he preached was the 100% truth and anything contrary to it is a lie; the giver of the lie being worthy of judgment by YHWH.  Paul goes on in the letter to emphasize who he is serving like he did in the very first verse.  He’s not trying to please man or win his approval.  He is working only for Yeshua and spreading the message he was given by Yeshua (Galatians 1:10-12).

In the next portion, Paul talks about his previous involvement in Judaism, and the reason he does this is because he’s connecting what Judaism became with the idea of a message that was created by man (Galatians 1:13-14).  In Judaism, man’s tradition and whatever the religious leaders decided was what the worship of YHWH became.  So much so that the people became so blinded as to not even be able to recognize their Messiah when He finally came.  Paul himself persecuted the believers in Yeshua because he saw their faith as contrary to what he knew to be the truth (Acts 8:1).

Paul talks about how he came to his senses, so to speak, and it’s all about the work of YHWH in his life (Galatians 1:15-20).  Before birth, YHWH chose him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, a people he once avoided, even looked down upon, based on his Jewish roots.  Isn’t that amazing?  He went his whole life learning and believing in Judaism, to the point of being involved in killing those who threatened it, until a given moment chosen by YHWH in which He revealed His Son.  At that point, it was a 180-degree change by Paul, literally the definition of repentance, and he became dedicated to YHWH and Yeshua and spreading the gospel.  It just goes to show you that you never know where someone will end up, even if they do the most horrendous things in their life.

The rest of this chapter in Galatians is more basis provided by Paul that what he was preaching did not come from a person.  Upon his repentance, he didn’t go to, talk to, or confer with any of the apostles for three years.  He doesn’t specify why, but he went to Arabia before returning to Damascus for a time.  He then went to Jerusalem and talked with Peter, where he also saw Yeshua’s brother, James.

What we can’t forget about Paul’s background though, is that he had already been studying scripture his whole life.  His interest and excitement in Judaism had led him to progress in his studies faster than his peers.  Yes, Paul’s change was seemingly overnight, but he had the basis of already knowing YHWH’s word at the time of his change.  He just needed to have the dots connected and shown to him so he could see what exactly YHWH was saying throughout all the things he had been studying.  

Going back to our previous discussion about conviction and courage, one can’t expect to gain this overnight, especially having no prior knowledge or studies of scripture.  It takes time, and while zeal for YHWH and His word is a good thing, without the adequate and proper study beforehand, a stepping out and speaking against other Christians like Paul did can lead to a development of pride and a resultant unwillingness to admit when we’re wrong.  Always consult with the Holy Spirit in your walk in order to know if He wants you to challenge someone or something.  YHWH has a purpose in every given scenario or situation.  Sometimes it’s not our job, but someone else’s.

Paul closes out the chapter by talking about believers hearing of him and their subsequent response of praising YHWH about Paul’s experience (Galatians 1:21-24).  Despite his involvement in a major event like the stoning of Stephen, not every Christian in Judea was aware of who Paul was.  They simply heard about someone who, was once their persecutor, becoming an advocate, even a promoter, of their faith.  We should also praise and glorify YHWH when we hear about those who have turned to Him.

One individual that’s pretty high profile who has turned to the gospel is the actor Russell Brand.  Now, don’t take this as a complete, 100% endorsement of everything he says, but I am continually surprised at how accurate this man is when he talks about the gospel or about things in scripture.  Some things that even people that have been Christians all their lives, or are leaders in a church, get completely wrong, he speaks the truth about.  The only explanation, and the only glory to be given, is YHWH’s.  He has changed this man’s life completely, and it’s amazing and encouraging to see such a public figure not only go through that, but be an avid promoter of it!

A quick note though, before you go searching Russell and what he is saying, is that you need to be very cognizant of when he’s said any given thing.  Similar to Paul, Russell was 180-degrees different even just a few years ago than he is today, and he is very much still on the journey of learning truth and walking with Yeshua.  But also similar to Paul, Russell’s previous life gave him so deep a learning and experience in what was opposite of YHWH that it allowed him to recognize the truth when he finally found it.  One new age belief or religion after another, a multitude of drugs and depraved acts, it was clear Russell was searching for something, but he finally was led to the truth by YHWH.

From Paul to Russell Brand, coming to a true faith in YHWH and Yeshua doesn’t happen the same for everyone.  However, everyone’s journey who ends up there was orchestrated by YHWH through the Holy Spirit.  If you’re reading this, whether you’ve been studying His word for a long time or this is the first time, there’s a reason.  He wants to be with you.  I promise that whatever He wants to show you or bless you with makes anything the world gives you pale in comparison.  Just give Him time in your life for Him to do that.

We hope you have a wonderful week! Shabbat shalom and YHWH bless you!

-Rob and Sara Gene

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